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Litschka, M. (2019). The Political Economy of Media Capabilities: The Capability Approach in Media Policy. Journal of Information Policy, 9, 63–94.
Litschka, M. (2019). Corporate Responsibility in a Mediatized World: Institutional Ethics and the Question of Consumer Sovereignty. In T. Eberwein, M. Karmasin, F. Krotz, & M. Rath (Eds.), Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds (pp. 161–173). Springer VS.
Musik, C., & Bogner, Alexander. (2019). Digitalization and Society. A Sociology of Technology Perspective on Current Trends in Data, Digital Security and the Internet. Springer VS.
Schwarzenegger, C., Falböck, G., Ellefson, M., Agirreazkuenaga, I., Ferrer, A. F., Graf, H., & Yanglyaeva, M. (2019). Ethnic Minorities and the Media – A Struggle for Voice, Self and Community? In K. Arnold, P. Paschal, & S. Kinnebrock (Eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History (pp. 437–474). Wiley-Blackwell.
Ebner-Zarl, A. (2018). „Das ist mein absoluter Lieblingsfilm!“ Zu den Kino- und FernsehheldInnen von 10- bis 12-Jährigen aus Geschlechterperspektive. Medienwelten – Zeitschrift Für Medienpädagogik, Nr. 9 (2018): Transhumanismus, Migration, Gender – Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Aspekte im Film, 139–181.
Fensel, A., de Boer, V., Pellegrini, T., Kiesling, E., Haslhofer, B., Hollink, L., & Schindler, A. (2018). Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Vol. 137). Elsevier.
Ganahl, S., & Kilian, P. (Eds.). (2018). Foucault meets Latour. Le Foucaldien, 4(1).
Kovarova-Simecek, M., Pellegrini, T., & Aubram, T. (2018). XBRL im digitalen Reporting ‐ Entwicklungsstand in Europa und in Österreich. In L. Nadig & U. Egle (Eds.), Controlling.Accounting.Risiko.Finanzen. Schriften aus dem Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZ (pp. 160–176). Verlag IFZ - Hochschule Luzern.
Kovarova-Simecek, M., & Aubram, T. (2018). Financial Literacy, Information Behavior, and Interest in Financial News in Austria. SSRN Electronic Journal, 39.
Tassilo Pellegrini, Andrea Schönhofer, Sabrina Kirrane, Simon Steyskal, Anna Fensel, Oleksandra Panasiuk, & Axel Polleres. (2018). A Genealogy and Classification of Rights Expression Languages – Preliminary Results. Data Protection / LegalTech - Proceedings of the 21st International Legal Informatics, 243–250.
Ebner-Zarl, A. (2017). Visual Children’s Cultures: Gender Roles in Games and Movies for Children. In J. Helbig & R. Schallegger (Eds.), Digitale Spiele (Vol. 5, pp. 220–249). Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Ganahl, S., & Erb, M. (Eds.). (2017). Algorithmic Governmentality. Le Foucaldien, 3(1).
Hoekstra, R., Faron-Zucker, C., Pellegrini, T., & de Boer, V. (Eds.). (2017). Semantics2017: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems. ACM.
Kovarova-Simecek, M., & Pellegrini, T. (2017). Reporting to Machines - reporting trends and XBRL diffusion among Austrian listed companies. In T. Becker, P. Schreckenleitner, W. Reitberger, & A. Brunner-Sperdin (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Trend in Business Communication 2016 (pp. 49–66). Springer Gabler.
Kovarova-Simecek, M. (2017). Effective resource allocation in PR and IR – linking the output and impact of corporate communications. In T. Becker, P. Schreckenleitner, W. Reitberger, & A. Brunner-Sperdin (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Trend in Business Communication 2016 (pp. 33–48). Springer Gabler.
Kovarova-Simecek, M., & Pellegrini, T. (2017). Reporting to Machines - reporting trends an XBRL diffusion among Austrian listed companies. In T. Becker, W. Schreckleitner, W. Reitberger, & A. Brunner-Sperdin (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Trends in Business Communication 2016 (pp. 49–66). Springer Gabler.
Kovarova-Simecek, M. (2017). Effective resource allocation in PR and IR - linking the output and impact of corporate communications. In T. Becker, P. Schneckenleitner, W. Reitberger, & A. Brunner-Sperdin (Eds.), Conference Proceedings Trend in Business Communication 2016 (pp. 33–48). Springer Gabler.
Krone, J. (2017). Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientiert Medien - digitale Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. MedienWirtschaft, 2/2017, 40–43.
Litschka, M., & Karmasin, M. (2017). CSR as economic, ethical and communicative concept. In S. Diehl, B. Müller, R. Terlutter, & F. Weder (Eds.), Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (pp. 37–50). Springer.
Pellegrini, T. (2017). Semantic metadata in the publishing industry – technological achievements and economic implications. Electronic Markets, 27(1), 9–20.