SAMBA - Smart Data for Music Business Administration
The project aims at exploring the economic value of social media data for the music industry.
DALICC – Data Licenses Clearance Center
DALICC is a software framework that supports the automated clearance of rights thus supporting the legally secure and time-efficient reutilization of third party data sources.
Integration of advanced engagement statistics
Preliminary concept for the integration of advanced engagement statistics in the ForTunes app for analysis how music is received in online spaces
Trading Cultures
An ethnography of international trade fairs for television programs, music and books
Regional Press Diversity in Germany and Austria
The project is a critical analysis of the economic and journalistic development of regional press in both countries from 1995 until 2015.
Inside Trading Cultures
Citizen scientists and researchers explore the Frankfurt Book Fair.
TraeX: Transmedia Extensions
Gender-sensitive development of media formats for children using transmedia storytelling.
e-learning for the Microsoccer Academy
Converting training at the Microsoccer Academy to e-learning
CargoRider – A new way of traveling
CargoRider explores travel alternatives for an open-minded audience. Is it possible to create an Interrail inspired network of cargo ships that offers flexibility and attracts young people?
NoLDE – Network of Linked Data Excellence
New methods for enterprise data management in the publishing business
Open your eyes! Seeing through a kid's eyes
Open your eyes, sensitisation for the perception of the ‘weakest’ road users and research in the field of road safety.
Evaluation of „Forschungsatlas NÖ“
Evaluation of the online platform in relation to use, impact, up-to-dateness and usability.