Presentation of the Results of the Study "AI in Media Economy" at RTR

RTR/Christian Lendl
On February 22, 2024, Yulia Belinskaya and Jan Krone, along with their colleagues from FH Burgenland, presented the study "AI in Media Economy" at the RTR (Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority). This study, initiated by the Media Department of RTR, addresses the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the media industry.
Conducted by the Media Business Research Group (FH St. Pölten) and the Department of Information Technology (FH Burgenland), the study is based on an extensive literature review of over 100 scientific sources and 16 interviews with leading Austrian experts in the field. It centres on ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and the diverse strengths and opportunities that AI offers in transforming the Austrian media market. Additionally, the study highlights significant challenges and risks, such as the potential misuse of AI tools and the promotion of sensationalism or misinformation. The complete text can be downloaded here (in German).